seek the Truth. do the Good. love the Beautiful.
Do you imagine your child as a joyful learner?
A Momentous Opportunity with Hillsdale College K-12 initiative
In the Fall of 2024, Penn Woods Classical Academy (PWCA) will open a Private Classical Christian School affiliated with the acclaimed Hillsdale College K-12 Education Initiative. Their national network of support and ongoing training is offered in collaboration with local parents, teachers, school leaders, board members, and policy makers to bolster the efforts of our very own Classical Christian Educators. As a candidate member school we will implement Hillsdale’s K-12 Classical Curriculum. Together we can achieve our goals to bring this brilliantly courageous, wise, and virtuous plan to fruition.
In the first phase we plan to offer Kindergarten through 5th grade, intending to add a grade each year. We hope you follow us to learn more about our remarkable American Classical Christian Education Opportunity, our hopes for your student, and how you can help ensure the success of this crucial educational opportunity in our shared community. It is our aim to be conveniently located in the South Hills of Pittsburgh. Sign up for our Newsletter to receive updates on our progress.
Our Mission for every child
Penn Woods Classical Academy aims to improve the heart, train the mind, and nurture the spirit of our students for God’s Glory so they may build for themselves a virtuous and wise moral, intellectual, and civic foundation, serve as joyful leaders in their community, and strive to become lifelong seekers of True, Good, and Beautiful realities.
Our hope is that families are able to recognize:
– their child’s growth in intellectual and moral character which is required for true responsible societal citizenship.
– talented, committed, and caring educators working to develop the whole student through thought provoking and respectful dialogue.
– a content rich curriculum suited for acquiring deep foundational knowledge while fostering joy and love of lifelong learning.
– their child’s realization of his or her greatest potential, happiness, and ultimate goodness while becoming knowledgeable in the virtues, human nature, natural order, and human history.
We value parents as the primary educators in the formation of their children’s intellectual, moral, and civic character. And we believe that each child is deserving of the type of brilliant education our Founding Fathers had. An education that will instill in them the desire to be worthy of God’s inalienable and endowed gifts.
As we look to establish Penn Woods Classical Academy as the first choice for Classical Christian Education in the Pittsburgh area, we make a commitment:
-to transparency in communicating the tenets of classical education, our expectations, and our curriculum;
-to the full human flourishing of each student with special attention to individual God given potential;
-in showing a special appreciation and respect for the primary role of families in the education of their children.
in virtue, freedom
“Educate and inform the whole mass of people. They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty.”
-Thomas Jefferson
Liberty can no more exist without virtue . . . than the body can live and move without a soul.
—John Adams