Applications are now being accepted

*Tuition Assistance Available


  • We will open our doors to students beginning fall 2024.

  • Yes. We are excited to offer the Hillsdale American Classical Curriculum of history, sciences, literature, and the arts through a biblical worldview. Per our mission statement, “Penn Woods Classical Academy aims to train the mind, improve the heart, and nurture the spirit of our students for God's Glory so they may build for themselves a virtuous and wise foundation of intellectual, moral, and civic excellence, serve as joyful leaders in their community, and strive to become lifelong seekers of True, Good, and Beautiful realities.”, we recognize the importance of religious instruction as the center of a Liberal Arts education. We are a Christian school that adheres to the Nicene Creed as our statement of faith.

  • Yes. At PWCA, our statement of faith is the Nicene Creed. View statement of faith.

  • Initially we plan to offer PK to 5th grade, and then we plan on adding a grade each year until we become a PK-12 school campus in 2031.

  • Yes. A school uniform is crucial to a successful environment as it is one of the components of maintaining a respectful and orderly school culture.

  • Being rooted in Latin gives our students the best foundation to understanding the classics that they will be studying in literature, a base for advanced English language, a springboard to master foreign languages, and a strong starting point for professional careers such as medicine, science, theology, arts, and literature. The value of teaching Latin is evident by the fact that students often achieve:

    An earlier and more foundational grasp of the English language, vocabulary, and sentence structure or grammar.

    A stronger foundation for learning “Romance” languages such as French and Spanish.

    A solid connection between shared Western heritage and a deeper appreciation for other cultures.

    Improvement in academic performance, focus, and examinations as a result of sharpening their methodical and analytical skills in the study of Latin.

  • PWCA is Pennsylvania’s first Hillsdale College Classical Christian Member School. The Hillsdale College K-12 Education Office provides ongoing support of our school by offering:

    • extensive training of school administration and teachers.

    • teacher support and training on their American Classical Curriculum and pedagogy

    • a growing and supportive network of schools across the country.

    • Semi-annual board development training.

    All they ask in return is……excellence.

  • Penn Woods Classical Academy is governed by a conservative ecumenical board of Christian directors, serving alternating terms.

  • If the border of your school district is 10 miles from our school location, transportation should be provided by your local school district. If you live outside of this radius or your school district does not offer transportation, then it will be provided by the family.

  • Yes, we encourage every parent to apply for tuition assistance.

WhY Penn Woods Classical Academy?

At Penn Woods Classical Academy, we offer a Christian education where students learn to love their neighbors and uphold liberty. As a Member School of the Hillsdale College K-12 American Classical Education Initiative, we integrate their classical curriculum and ensure our students embark on a journey that aligns faith with academic excellence.

Hillsdale College K-12 Member School

We are affiliated with the renowned Hillsdale College K-12 Education Initiative, collaborating with a national network and local stakeholders to enhance our Classical Christian Education efforts. As a candidate member school, we adopt Hillsdale's K-12 Classical Curriculum, uniting to fulfill magnanimous aspirations for our children.


We are now accepting applications for PreK to 5th for the 2024-25 school year with plans to expand by adding a grade each year to 12th. Beginning January 19, 2024, families may submit their admissions application for 2024-25 school year enrollment via our FACTS web application.