Donations Greater than $10,000
You’ve chosen to consider making a gift that can be impactful to the strategic growth of PWCA and for that we thank you.
In doing so, we invite you to consider the following options and invite you to contact directly Katie Hauge at
Brokerage Account
As a 501 (c)(3), your donations could provide you with considerable savings to your federal income taxes depending on the size and nature of your donation.
Tax Advantage IRA
or equivalent
Once you reach 70 ½, you may be able to make Qualified Charitable Distributions directly from your tax advantage accounts and avoid income taxes.
Donor Advisor Fund (DAFs)
At any age, you can create a DAF which is a tax-smart account for charitable giving that empowers you to give more to the causes you care about.
For other options, please contact Katie Hauge at
Many legacy donations can be very tax advantageous to the donor. We advise you to discuss these options with your accountant or tax advisor.