Admissions Inquiry Form
Thank you for your interest in Penn Woods Classical Academy.
There are many children on waitlists in the area, so we are excited to keep you updated on the details of Penn Woods Classical Academy’s opening for the upcoming school year. PWCA is Pennsylvania’s first Classical Christian Hillsdale K - 12 Candidate Member School opening in 2025 to grades Preschool - 6th. PWCA will provide a time-tested, robust Liberal Arts and Sciences education taught within a Christian worldview and focused on character formation.
The information you complete today helps the board assess demand so we may allocate the necessary resources for planning and keep you informed of our progress. We are always honored to talk and meet with families, so please reach out with any questions.
Check out our Upcoming Events for a convenient date where we look forward to meeting with families and community members to share the details and our excitement about this amazing educational opportunity which is well suited to address the needs of our children in this time of great uncertainty throughout our nation.
Please note, this is not an application for enrollment nor does it guarantee your child's admission. Unless you request to be unsubscribed to our list of interested families, you will receive periodic updates, newsletters, and a link to our Enrollment Form at the proper time.
Prospective Parent Info night
Join us at our upcoming information nights where you will meet the Head of School and learn more about Penn Woods Classical Academy.