american Classical Christian Curriculum

Our dynamic Hillsdale K-12 Classical Christian curriculum, which is vertically and horizontally integrated, is taught in accord with the three natural stages of learning known as the Trivium and from within a Christian worldview. It encourages lively and intelligent engagement with reality as a gift from God. From a perspective of gratitude and awe, in the Grammar Stage, students apply themselves to learning the fundamental governing rules of language, mathematics, science, music, and the arts. They also develop habits of heart by finding delight in the Love of God and the beauty of Creation, in the practice of virtue, and the making of friends. By the close of this stage, these habits will have begun to form a “second nature” and the beginnings of a virtuous character. At PWCA , we will consistently emphasize the dignity of each child as beloved by the Father . Building upon this foundation, in the second, Logical Stage, they will engage with big ideas and grapple with the perennial questions, beginning to see “the big picture” . They will also come to locate themselves with in it and within Salvation History. By the time they reach the Rhetorical Stage, they will begin to find their voice with a proper measure of humility and self-possession and will be prepared to grapple with the “big questions[“ and formulate, articulate. and argue their thoughts and understandings. Throughout these years and stages, emphasis will be placed on growing in relationship to Christ and maturing as disciples. This will be fostered by faculty, administration, exeriences of prayer and worship, study of scripture, and the formation of intentional Christian friendship and community among students and families.

Ultimately, through the study of classical primary sources in the Liberal Arts and Sciences and immersion in Scriptural wisdom and a Christian Worldview and Ethos, Penn Woods students will be marked by their robust and well-rounded education, their lively, creative, and inquisitive minds, and their heart for Christ and commitment to Christian discipleship and servant-leader citizenship.


We value parents as the primary educators in the formation of their children. Penn Woods is dedicated to walking beside parents to support their children in their intellectual, spiritual, moral, and civic development. We believe in Classical methods of teaching which are in accord with the child’s natural development and style of learning, inviting students to be active participants in their own education. Our classical curriculum introduces students to the universal questions and best ideas in Western Civilization and fosters engagement through the tried and true methods of Classical pedagogy. Children will be led by wonder and awe and encouraged to wrestle insights and understanding from the greatest of history’s works alongside their peers, led by accomplished and vibrant teachers.

Our Commitment

Our graduates will possess a well-rounded Liberal Arts and Sciences education grounded in the best intellectual, moral, and spiritual contributions of Western Civilization. They will be self-governing, well-reasoned, articulate and respectful men and women who are biblically literate, lifelong learners who thirst for truth, love what is good and admire what is beautiful. They will be confident, humble Christian Disciples who are servant-leaders of their families, churches, and wider communities, as well as noble custodians of civic liberty and justice. As a Christian classical Hillsdale candidate member school, PWCA commits to:

  • Provide a Christ-centered environment

  • Hire committed, practicing Christian teachers who will model discipleship

  • Offer ample opportunity for prayer, worship and growing Biblical Literacy

  • Strive to grow a vibrant, interdenominational Christian Community


PWCA is offering Preschool- 6th for the 2025-26 school year with plans to expand by adding a grade each year to 12th. In December, Families may submit their admissions application for 2025-26 school year enrollment via our FACTS web application.